Zero One.

Multi-purpose Kirby CMS theme

  • Born to be extended
  • Made as a plugin
  • Well-thought-out options
  • Powerful Layout Builder
  • Fantastic Form Builder
  • Beautiful post types
  • Full-fledged eCommerce
  • Well documented

The ultimate website-building toolkit.

What are we working on?

Working on these:

  • Heavy improvement of the Blog template and Article template
  • Heavy improvement of the Work template
  • New blocks:
    • Lead block
    • Tab block
    • Features block
    • Timeline/steps block
    • And more
  • Various improvements on already included blocks
  • Styling improvements
  • New demos

Version 5.0.0 πŸ₯³


And finally! We can't believe this update is finished. But the wait is finally over! And it was worth it πŸš€

The most prominent features of this update:

  • Kirby 4 compatibility πŸš€
  • NEW Form Builder (Premium) πŸš€
  • Translatable panel + French language panel translation πŸš€
  • NEW Language Switch dropdown option
  • NEW Option for SEO Meta title - Remove Site name
  • Image width/height improvements
  • NEW Anchor only link possibility in Menu Builder
  • Heading improvements using new Slot snippet
  • Many blocks imporvements
  • Many code optimisations
  • Some styling improvements
  • Some accesability improvements

Check out the full changelog for all details.

Version 4.5.2


This minor update fixes some recently discovered Safari browser issues, primarily with background images. From now on, we are adding Safari testing to our regular workflow because they had several strange updates in the last year, and now Safari behaves differently than other browsers.

There is also one new feature: To-top button. You can turn it on in the Site Settings sidebar options.



This is a minor update that brings some important security fixes for Kirby, but it also brings several improvements.

Security fix

The Kirby 3.9.6 security fix is fixed by updating Kirby, but to strengthen it further the code below should be added to htaccess file

# set security headers in all responses
<IfModule mod_headers.c>

# serve files as plain text if the actual content type is not known
# (hardens against attacks from malicious file uploads)
Header set Content-Type "text/plain" "expr=-z %{CONTENT_TYPE}"
Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"


And yeah, this code block above is example of syntax highlighting features Zero One has πŸ€“β˜οΈ

Zero One improvements

  • Few styling improvements for buttons and custom decimal list
  • Kirby Robots txt plugin updated to the latest version
  • New feature: Card block now has an image and link option πŸš€
    • Now you can create beautiful cards with image top/bottom and link it some other content

Check out the full changelog for all details.

Version 4.5.1


Hi there, here we go! The new update is ready πŸ₯³ Actually this is only the first part of one big update. And this is the smaller part, but it brings some important fixes and improvements. We didn't want you to wait all the way, and to lower the pressure on us here it is.

What this update brings:

  • Complete PHP 8.2 compatibility in all environments
  • Kirby updated to 3.9.5
  • New Style Compiler options, and general styling improvements
    • You can now fine-grain shadows per element, and add your own shadows πŸš€
    • You can now change responsive breakpoints πŸš€
    • Offcanvas overlay options
  • SEO improvements
    • Site SEO settings improved
      • Basic Structured Data (Schema) added, you can turn it on in Site SEO & Files tab
    • Page SEO improved
      • Now when you omit a page from the sitemap β€œnoindex, nofollow” will also be added to that page
  • New Email option in Site Settings (in the sidebar), to choose or not to see the sender's IP address
  • Page Options to hide Navbar and Footer πŸš€ Great for landing pages
  • Advanced tab added all pages. Now you can add custom CSS to the page πŸš€
  • Blog, Work, and Shop templates now have the option to add additional content using Layout Builder before or after subpages listing πŸš€
  • More layouts added to Layout Builder and Subgrid block πŸš€
  • Button block now has anchor link as one of the options πŸš€
  • Various fixes to smaller issues users reported

Check out the full changelog for all details.

Version 4.5.0


And finally, this update arrived πŸ™ We are sorry it took longer than expected, we wanted to make many improvements, and make the better organization of the old codebase.

What this update brings:

  • New Main Menu Builder πŸš€ Now you can choose whether the main navigation will be generated from pages structure, or you will create custom navigation with the builder. Also, the builder brings solutions for landing pages and link anchors
  • Mega menu possibilities πŸš€ Now you can turn your subpages dropdowns to mega menus, customize width and background, similar to what you can do with layout backgrounds.
  • Icons for menu items πŸš€
  • Additional icon for right-side navigation πŸš€
  • Products search block πŸš€
  • Products list block πŸš€
  • New Audio/Podcast block πŸš€
  • New Typed (Animated) text block πŸš€
  • New Syntax Highlighting option for Code block πŸš€
  • New custom navigation block πŸš€

And much more! Check out the full changelog.

Version 4.4.0


Thank God, this update is finally finished πŸ™ It was super difficult in terms of strategy and amount of changes, but also in user experience aspects and testing. That's why it took much longer than expected to complete. But you will love the results! πŸš€

New Layout Builder has arrived! πŸš€

Many many new things are possible now, but it is just a starter of what's coming in the next couple of updates.

You can see Layout Builder in action. Make sure to check out the subpages too, there are some interesting examples of new possibilities!

Yeeey, there is a new demo Zero One Furniture shop.

And much more, check out the changelog.

Version 4.3.2


This update brings some cool stuff:

  • SVG shape divider for header area (see video) πŸš€
  • Custom cover sizes for Projects and a few more options (Masonry possible, too) πŸš€
  • New options for Site Styling (compiler)
  • Snipcart updated to 3.4.0 version with new scripts loader, only when called. Speed boost πŸš€
  • Many new footer options πŸš€
  • New custom product fields (checkbox, text, textarea, read-only)
  • Articles now support multiple authors (co-authors)
  • Improved image performance

Check out the full changelog.

Version 4.3.1


Improvements, fixes and new features! πŸš€

This update brings:

  • PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • All images now auto-convert to WebP with a fallback to the original, even the background images! πŸš€ And you don't have to do anything. 😎 Just update to this version and your website will be more than a double lighter.
  • Variable products! πŸš€ Now your products can have custom options πŸ₯³
  • Product quantity now has cool buttons! πŸ±β€πŸ
  • New Cookie consent option! New inbuilt option for cookie consent. You can choose between popup or modal πŸ₯³
  • Gallery content block improved! Thanks to Demlak for this πŸ™
  • And more!

Check out the full changelog.

Version 4.3.0


And finally! Zero One has e-commerce power! πŸš€

It took longer than we expected, but it is better than many anticipated 😎 It is a full-feature e-commerce shop, with all power you can expect from the best.

You can check out the shop demo.

And see shop documentation pages.

But, that's not all, there are many other improvements too.

Check out the full changelog.

Version 4.2.0


This update brings several important fixes and one long-anticipated feature. πŸš€

  • NEW Navbar transparent options, site-wide and page override (Project and Article also)
  • Editor permissions improved
  • NEW Main navigation dropdown page option. Select whether a specific page should have subpages visible in the main navigation. Now you can have multiple Blog or Work pages without issues.

Version 4.1.0


In short:

  • Kirby updated to and compatibility changes made
    • FEATURE: Now you can copy-paste blocks and more than that! πŸš€
    • FEATURE: Writing experience is improved with the new Writer/Text field πŸš€
  • UIkit updated to 3.9.4
  • All plugins are updated
  • Cachebuster plugin replaced with Kirby 3 Fingerprint plugin
  • New maintenance options in the panel:
    • FEATURE: Now you can clear the pages cache from the panel πŸš€
    • FEATURE: You can create a website backup from the panel πŸš€
  • FEATURE: New topbar option
  • FEATURE: New fancy page transition effects πŸš€
  • FEATURE: New Site Settings options
  • General panel improvements
  • FEATURE: Improved custom CSS experience πŸš€
  • Contact form submit anchor added
  • SEO meta improvements
  • Many code reorganizations, optimizations, and improvements

Version 4.0.2

In short:

  • Kirby updated to
  • Language switch improvements
  • Sticky navbar now has a fixed option
  • Table block now supports Html elements
  • New content blocks
    • Banner
    • Contact form

Version 4.0.0

Here we go! Zero One becomes a Kirby plugin! πŸš€

We completely restructured everything, went through every theme file, made many improvements, and added many new options.

Here goes the list of notable improvements:

  • Page Builder visual and performance improvements
  • Improvement of every Page Builder section
  • Improvement of every Content blocks block
  • New Content blocks
    • Accordion
    • Button
    • Table
  • Advanced background options all over the place, in blocks, header, and footer
  • Parallax background is possible now
  • The grid section has many new options, sub-grid is possible now too
  • Hero has a video background option
  • The navbar now can have a centred logo and can be styled by your liking
  • New navbar links effect (you can choose between old and new effect)
  • New header options
  • Improved animations in many places
  • New styling options, now your website can have shadows or rounded corners on some elements
  • Improved buttons
  • New Work/Projects options and styling improvements
  • Article styling improvement
  • New slideshow options
  • And many more small fixes and improvements

But, most importantly Zero One becomes a plugin! Why is this so great? Because you can overwrite any plugin file by copying it to your theme folder. Change it, extend it, and safely update Zero One to new versions without worry. Your changes will stay untouched. Like a WordPress child theme, but more powerful.